Proud To Be A Chaser Enamel Pin Badge Rainbow Pride LGBTQ Gift For Her/Him - Pin Ace
Proud To Be A Chaser Enamel Pin Badge Rainbow Pride LGBTQ Gift For Her/Him - Pin Ace
Proud To Be A Chaser Enamel Pin Badge Rainbow Pride LGBTQ Gift For Her/Him - Pin Ace
Proud To Be A Chaser Enamel Pin Badge Rainbow Pride LGBTQ Gift For Her/Him - Pin Ace

Proud To Be A Chub Chaser (Rainbow) Pin

Regular price £8.31
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This is the perfect pin for those of us who are proud to share their appreciation for the larger bodies among us. Featuring the colours of the pride rainbow, wearing this pin will tell any cute chubs, BBW, or BHM you run into that you're happy to see them. Ready to wear on your hat, backpack, jacket, shirt, lapel, or anywhere! 

(Quick note for my Trans sisters, bretheren, and friends. These pins are not meant to celebrate unwanted fetishization. They were created for the bear and chub-chaser communities; in these circles, the term "chaser" does not carry a negative connotation and is colloquially acknowledged as "the" word used to identify thinner members of the community.) 

This high quality, hard enamel pin allows you to proudly express your individuality, identity, and style and is sure to last.

Bright, true colors will allow your lapel to pop from both up close and far away and will compliment your favourite hat, shirt, or backpack.

Durable rubber clap allows for easy application and a secure grip that will hold for ages.

Pin-Ace has paired with the best manufacturers to ensure your accessories are defect free and are built to last.

A hard enamel pin from Pin-Ace will add a splash of personality and colour to any outfit or accessory!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
David Keeling
Fast Shipping Awesome Pin Great Quality I...

Fast Shipping Awesome Pin Great Quality
I Love It Thank You So Much ❤️👍🏽