Customizable Pride Pin (Legacy Edition - Single Half)
Customizable Pride Pin (Single Half) - Pin-Ace
Customizable Pride Pin (Single Half) - Pin-Ace
Customizable Pride Pin (Single Half) - Pin-Ace
Customizable Pride Pin - Pin Ace

Customizable Pride Pin (Legacy Edition - Single Half)

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NOTE: If you don't already have a Customizable Pride Pin, visit first!

Do you already have a Legacy Edition Customizable Pride Pin and you need to order another half to replace a lost one or to allow you to mix and match? On this listing, you can order a single left or right half of a Customizable Pride Pin in the Legacy style. 

Q: What is changing about the Customizable Pride Pin?

A: We are updating the style of the Customizable Pride Pin by mirroring the original design. While the original style “flows” counterclockwise, the new style “flows” clockwise. We are adding 11 new identities to this new style of the Customizable Pride Pin, but these new identities will not be released under the old style. The old style will remain available as the Legacy Edition while stock lasts, but will not be restocked and is now a limited-edition item. No new identities will be added to the Legacy Edition.

Q: Why are you making these changes?

In anticipation of a new product line! We are going to be expanding on the Customizable Pride idea in a thoughtful new way with an expected launch Spring 2023. This new product line necessitates this change to the original design. By making this change now (when we are adding an additional 11 identities) instead of waiting until we launch the new product line, we are able to ensure we don’t have to delay the launch and miss next year’s Pride festivities. Expect more details to come out early 2023. 

Q: How can we get the old style/“Legacy Edition” Customizable Pride Pins?

This listing is exclusively for the Legacy Edition of the Customizable Pride Pins. Pins purchased from this listing are limited, identities will never be added or restocked, and going forward will prove to be a collector's item signifying our earliest adventures as a brand and business.

Q: Will pins from the new style be compatible with the Legacy style of the Customizable Pride Pin?

A: Unfortunately not, the pins made in the new style will not be compatible with the old style - they will not combine with each other to create a full pin.

Q: Wait, wasn't the WHOLE POINT that I could mix and match these and now I can't without rebuying the stuff I already love?! That's unfair!

That absolutely would be unfair - which is why when you are upgrading or changing things up you will not have to rebuy your old identities.We will send them to you for free!

When we talked about making this change, we bemoaned that we should have done it this way from the beginning. So, we're going to make it as if we did. If you have previously purchased a Legacy style pin set, and you want to add or swap in one of the new identities, with the purchase of that new half we will send you copies of your other identity pins in the new style free of charge - just let us know what your old order was and what identities you need new copies of!

As an example, if you bought a Non-Binary and They/Them set in the Legacy style before this launch and wanted to buy a Panromantic half to add to your old set, reach out to us and let us know and we will sent Non-Binary, They/Them and Panromantic halves in the new style for your purchase of just the Panromantic half.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Mylène Chouinard

I really like it, but unfortunately the writing on my she/her pin started fading away, and it read she/he for a while. I had to use a fine point sharpie to try to fix it.
Still like the product and the idea!

Hi Mylène,

Thank you for the review. This is a rare concern associated only with the Legacy Edition of the Customizable Pride Pin. Modern versions of the pin have solved this concern.

Glad to hear you otherwise love your pin!

Caitlyn Vos

Customizable Pride Pin (Legacy Edition - Single Half)